After executing the electronic servant, Lajix began sweeping and cleaning the large house like a fish in water, with an attitude of not allowing even a single speck of dust.

The penthouse on the top floor of the apartment also had a small garden on the roof. Before I knew it, I had gone out to the garden, taken out a pair of garden shears from my backpack, and started cutting off the branches, organizing them nicely. Gyeondal-rae looked at the sight with pleasure.

“I guess it’s good because your status has risen.”
“…Huh? Rising status?”
“I have become a servant in a wealthy household. Isn’t that a dream among all servants? The girl is also happy.”

That’s what it was. Well, compared to an officetel, a penthouse is like a luxury home. Because he himself had wanted so badly to become a servant at a large company… no, a wealthy family.

“I thought I had been promoted again. From egg to sall.”
“You can’t judge a servant by such a lowly rank. Look at the Cossack and the barbarian.”

I turned my eyes and looked.

The kitchen was in the basement. He was putting his hand in and out of the faucet, amazed that water came out automatically when he put his hand near it. The Cossack lay down on a spacious, luxurious sofa, his arms resting on the side, yawning and snoring while flipping through the TV channels from 0 to 999 with the remote control. Then, when Joo-hyuk’s eyes met,

“Isn’t there a company dinner today?”
“I, I… tsk tsk tsk. Look, Your Majesty, what good is my self-knowledge? I don’t even know what a servant’s duty is.”

The Cossack seemed to have adapted quickly to his new home.

“Of course, we have to have a company dinner.”
“Hehehehe, as expected from Summoner Bong. Should I have it delivered?”
“Hey, is it okay to order delivery on a day like this? I should go with room service.”

I had thought it through. Concierge service exclusive to luxury apartments. The basic management fee alone was 3 million won. Places like this have their own restaurant system and even provide breakfast service in the morning. Of course, room service is also available.

“From now on, company dinners will always be room service.”
“Yahoo! Summoner Bong is the best!”

Joohyuk opened the service guide on the living room table. Looking at the room service menu, he couldn’t speak. It couldn’t be helped.

‘What menu…’

Outrageous prices. A plate of organic vegetable salad costs 30,000 won, a plate of pasta 60,000 won, a plate of sirloin steak 150,000 won. Even boiled eggs cost 15,000 won each.

‘No, is that an egg laid by an immortal bird?’

Gobang could eat 300 eggs by himself. I could easily eat 100 plates of steak.

“Why are you like that?”
“Well, there’s nothing on the menu that I particularly like. The food doesn’t look that tasty either.”


Joohyuk closed the service manual.

“Oh, oh, then you shouldn’t do that. Eating is very important. There’s also a saying that the Black Tower is a sight to behold after a meal.”
“This time, Cossack is right. If a servant eats good food, he will work well.”
“I’ll eat anything. Anything that’s cheap and plentiful.”

Joohyuk also nodded.

“Let’s have it delivered. It’ll taste much better that way.”

By the way, this house has everything you need. I could move right now. The price of this apartment is approximately 15 billion won, including acquisition tax and one year’s management fee. I asked why it was so cheap. When I asked, they said it was the assessed price, not the actual transaction price. Since the original public notice price is set by the government, there’s no choice but to sell it as is. I know it’s just an excuse, but I guess I’ll have to accept this much.

Anyway, there’s no need to drag it out. I’m going to rent an officetel room tomorrow.

Also, I diligently took off the basilisk skin. I don’t know how much the leather will sell for, but I need to keep it in stock so I can deliver it immediately when needed.

And from the day after I moved, Joo-hyuk and the summoned people continued to attack the 45th floor repeatedly.


HG Fashion visited the Awakening Management Office.

It was only three days after I received the offer to supply basilisk hides.

“Excuse me, Deputy Director.”

“Welcome, Representative Koh Yeon-ha.”

We greeted each other.

“How? Have you come to a conclusion about the value of the leather?”

For evaluation, Goyeon took photos of the leather samples and the basilisk three days beforehand.


“To be honest, we haven’t found an answer either.”

“Hmm, I guess it’s hard to estimate value.”

“But I have a suggestion for you, and it requires some explanation in advance… .”

“Yes, I will listen.”

Any suggestions?

“Take crocodile leather as an example. It usually takes the skin of three crocodiles to make one high-end bag.”

“Just one bag?”

“Yes. When processing crocodile leather, we cut off all the parts that cannot be used as products. There are differences in quality, and above all, the pattern and design are important.”

“Ah! I see what you mean.”

“Of course, a basilisk is several times larger than a crocodile and has patterns and designs all over its body, so it won’t be able to cut that many parts.”

Of course.

How can a crocodile compare to a basilisk?

“We plan to make three lines of products with this leather.”

“If there are three…”

“A mid- to low-priced line that is easy for people to approach, a high-quality line that requires a lot of determination to open your wallet, and a high-end luxury line that not everyone can afford.”

“The quality of each leather is different.”

“Yes, rainbow basilisk leather is mixed in high-end luxury goods.”

Goyeon lifted the teacup in front of her, moistened her throat, and continued speaking.

“So what I came up with was, instead of us spending money on materials, why don’t we share the profits from the sale of the final product in a fair ratio?”


That’s a good idea.

In any case, it is difficult to estimate the value of leather.

Splitting the final proceeds might be the easiest and most reasonable option.

Ko Yeon-ha briefed Jeon Gwang-il on her proposal.

Accept what needs to be accepted and fix what needs to be fixed.

And the conclusion I reached.

First, create a new corporation and brand.

Brand name Wildflower & Vasily.

So, from the total sales of Wildflower & Vasily products, the cost of leather processing, the cost of making products with leather, labor costs, distribution costs, facility costs, marketing costs… are all deducted.

And the production cost settlement is audited by the management office.

What remains is the net profit after deducting taxes.

“The management takes 80% of the final net profit. What do you think?”

80%, HG Fashion is going to take 20%… .

“Let’s do 95%. It’s not about sales; it’s about net profit distribution.”

“5% is too…”

“We’ll sell other things too. The brand value of Wildflower will also increase.”

“We also need to have something left over to invest in facilities…”

Jeon Gwang-il casually blurted out the words.

“Wildflower & Why.”


What are you talking about?

Wildflower & Wairani.

“What is Wai an abbreviation for?”


“It’s not Wildflower & Why; it could be Ilseong & Why, or Daehyun & Why…”


“Wow, so you’re saying that wyvern leather is also possible?”

“Absolutely possible. When the wyvern leather comes in later, you can renegotiate the profit-sharing ratio between Wildflower and Vasily.”

Ko Yeon-ha answered quickly.

“Yes, we will take 5%.”

If you worry about this, you’re stupid.

Plus, Ilseong & Why, Daehyun & Why.

It’s terrifying to even imagine.

Jeon Gwang-il was also satisfied.

If the net profit is 1 million won, the management office, or rather the Bong player, pays 950,000 won for leather, and HG Fashion pays 50,000 won.

There won’t be any major complaints about HG Fashion either.

Isn’t it a distribution of net profits?

We will also develop items and sell them together.

For example, by bundling and selling clothes that match the Basilisk leather bag.

They will also try to maximize their profits.

Plus, they threw in some Wildflower and Why bait.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“I have one.”

“Please speak.”

“I tried processing the sample leather you gave me using a chemical treatment process. It took some time, but it was more than enough to use as a product material.”

“That’s good.”

“But it’s so hard to cut and process. Even though it’s only the size of A4 paper, it doesn’t cut well with regular tools. So you need tools that mix top metal. A lot.”

Top metal.

It is as rare as leather.

Maybe even more than leather.

Players occasionally receive it in the form of ingots as a reward for conquering the top, but honestly, it is not enough to make weapons.

“Okay, I’ll go to the workshop and ask. Then I’ll get the final approval from the director before writing up the contract.”


Now all that’s left is to make the product and sell it.

The only downside is that the money won’t come in right away.

You have to ask for permission.

He said to Ko Yeon-ha that it was the director’s approval, but in reality, it was for someone else.

On the 4th day, I only conquered the 45th floor.

Entry to the tower twice a day.

It may seem difficult and time-consuming, but it isn’t like that at all.

First of all, there is no need to worry about S++ rank strategies.

Because I’m just repeating what I’ve already done.

The amount of leather you can take at one time is 6 from the regular version and 1 from the boss, for a total of 7.

Twice, so a total of 14 chapters.

Once every two days, Manager Lee Min-ah comes and collects 28 sheets from the inventory, and that’s it. It’s not difficult at all.

The most difficult part of this process was meeting Manager Lee Min-ah. She was so talkative, it was hard to answer, I almost died.

Anyway, after finishing the strategy and resting at home, I got a call from Jeon Gwang-il.

The content is about a leather supply contract.

“Hey, 95% of it? Didn’t they call me a thief?”

– They also readily accepted.

Is the HG Fashion representative a fool?

“Well, I have no complaints. On the contrary, I am grateful. All you have to do is supply the leather.”

Sell ​​leather products and share the profits.

95% of net profit.

This is the amount of money you earn while playing.

– Okay. Then I will write a contract with HG Fashion. Just in case, I will say that Bong Joo-hyuk’s name will not be included. On the surface, it is a contract between the Management Office and HG Fashion.

“It’s so good. And don’t forget to take one piece of leather for the management office every time you collect leather.”

– Thank you very much. Oh! And I have something to tell you… . I would like you to stop collecting leather for a while.


Don’t skin it.


– Let me explain. First… .

There are two reasons why Jeon Gwang-il asked for leather collection to be stopped.


They say the leather processing facilities aren’t fully operational yet.

So, that means we couldn’t digest any of the incoming supplies.


Because of its rarity.

If you pile up too much leather, its value will inevitably decline.

It is better to supply it in a slightly insufficient amount.

Joo-hyuk also agreed.

Even if you keep collecting items that you can’t process or cash out right away, their value will only decrease.

Let’s gather the people who were summoned and tell them about the phone conversation with Jeon Gwang-il.

“I knew this would happen. Because of you, only our Lajix workers have suffered. I can only feel sorry for you, my lord, girl.”

And then, Gyeondal-lae glares at the Cossack.

“You need to have a lot of money in your account? I desperately want that too. But the money is tied up. There’s no telling when it will be cashed out.”


“How can you take responsibility for it? I feel bad for the time I put in. I should have just dug up the magic stone and sold it.”


“You were so confident during the briefing, but you didn’t even know how production, distribution, and sales were done.”


A Cossack with a very red face.

She was glancing at Joo-hyuk from time to time and asking for help.

Because he was the one who approved the briefing.

Actually, I didn’t do anything wrong.

It just means the money will come late.

If you wait, it will come someday.

However, the hawk, which was always looking for Cossacks’ mistakes, was biting them when it felt like it was time.

Still, the Cossack’s longing eyes looking at him as if he were cornered,

How can you ignore it?

“Okay, now that this is over, let’s stop talking and run to the 50th floor. Let’s start attacking the 46th floor starting tomorrow.”

“Okay, good. I agree.”

The Cossack answered as if he had been waiting.

“Don’t worry. I, Susual, the right-hand man of the Summoner Bong, and your loyal confidant Cossack, will finish you off with an S++ rank.”

“Good. It’s sturdy. I’ll start conquering the 46th floor tomorrow. But! I’ll conquer the 50th floor when the random summon cooldown comes back.”

A Cossack raises his hand as if he remembered something and asks.

“… Hey, B, should we do a briefing?”

“No. Don’t do that.”


Gyeondalrae and Gobang also agree.

“As expected, you are a wise lord. The girl agrees.”

“Warriors are like that too. They do whatever they are told to do.”



Lajix also raised his hand.

“Speak, Lajix Worker.”

“Scorpion exoskeleton peeling?”

Well, what should I do?

Exoskeletons also require processing.

But just take a few as samples.

“Just take off one or two. You don’t need many.”

“Oh, yeah.”

So, the decision was made to climb the upper level without any attack.

[Enter the 46th floor of the Black Tower in South Korea.] Floors 46 to 50 are the Giant Scorpion section.

Each floor has different attributes for the Scorpion.

The environments are all the same.

There are bare mountains without a single blade of grass here and there, and the flat land is all desert, and here and there there are rocks the size of houses.

What kind of scorpions will appear?

Poison is equipped as a basic weapon, and its properties are determined by what kind of poison it is.

The King who has paralyzing poison, hemorrhagic poison, hallucinogenic poison, acid poison, and all these poisons.

The section where healing potions are consumed the most.

The success of your attack depends on how many potions you have.

[Floor 46 Mission: Kill 15 Paralyzing Scorpions.] [Completion Time: Within 13 hours.] [Failure Condition: Death or Mission Abandonment.] There is poison in the tail and in the pincers.

He even spits poisonous saliva from his mouth.

“Scorpion babies, they spit. If you get hit, you’ll be paralyzed. If you’re paralyzed, you can’t move your body. So…”

“Am I missing?”

“As expected, you are very smart. Summoner Bong is like a genius.”

“I can’t do that, right? And Mr. Gobang and Mr. Cossack? They’re both paralyzed.”

“The paralyzing poison doesn’t work on Gobang. Look at that thick, stupid skin. And I’m also an expert on poisons. Even if I get hit, I can easily drive it out.”

Even if you keep asking, just nod your head.

Lajix also nodded… and then rolled over.

Lajix is ​sad because he has no neck.


Let’s put it somewhere.

Whether I move or not.

Begin the attack.

Tagagaga, kadddddd,

A giant blue paralyzed scorpion appears with its pincers and tail raised.

Gobang was truly unaffected by poison.

Even though his whole body was soaked in the saliva that Scorpion spat out from his mouth, he was not paralyzed but rather moved faster.

The high-level attack involves tearing off the scorpion’s pincers and hitting its head with them.


A Cossack who hides on the high ground to avoid poison, and then finishes off with a decisive blow when the opportunity arises.

The buff of the Gyeondalrae was still there.



Lajix, he’s gone again.

What if I get poisoned like this?

Right then!

When I turned my gaze,

Before he knew it, Rajix was standing in front of a large rock, holding a pickaxe and moving his short arms diligently to break the stone.

Then he picked up a lump twice the size of an adult’s fist from between the rocks and put it in his backpack.

I think I know what it is.

“Is it ore?”

Scorpion section.

There was more to collect than just the exoskeleton shells.


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